This has come up in a few other threads, but i never saw anything conclusive, and I didn't want to hijack a thread.

Has anyone ever gotten a definitive answer from anyone who can reasonably speak for Honda USA (Honda rep, dealer, etc.) about why our F6B has no ABS, reverse gear, and is JUST getting cruise control?

It's always seemed strange that this is the case, when virtually every direct competitor in the US bagger market has had cruise and ABS as standard features at a similar price point to the F6B before the F6B was first introduced. They also offer accessories like navigation and seat warmers, but Honda does not. It just seems strange that Honda would enter such a popular market without giving the same standard features/ optional accessories that the competitors who were already in that market do.... on trop of the great engine.

Add in the fact that they give ABS, cruise AND reverse to the Australian market for a comparitive price to what we pay for our bikes and I am thoroughly confused.

I once asked a dealer, and he told me that the US market doesn't want all that stuff. He said that when Honda tried to put ABS on the full wing, riders demanded that they didn't. I can't see how that could possibly be true, but I'm new to the Honda family.

So if anyone knows anything, please clue me in.

I'm just curious, so I respectfully ask that the officers of the HDF (Honda Defense Force) refrain from the "You should be grateful for what Mother Honda has given us!", "Just shut up and ride!", "You're asking a lot for $20K", etc. types of responses. I am a happy owner who gladly purchased what was available to me at the time. I LOVE MY BIKE! I would just like to know why the decision was made to NOT make things available to the US market that they have no hesitation about giving to other (smaller) markets for around the same price that we're charged.
