Quote Originally Posted by bobbyf6b View Post
I drive for a living and, although it's personal preference, I call BS on that information. If you cannot see a little bit of your vehicle in the mirror then you have no point of reference as to where other vehicles are located around you. You also can't see what is directly behind you. Big trucks and motorcycles have no center rear view mirror. That's why trucks have spot mirrors, to see to the side. You also won't be able to see emergency vehicles coming up behind you. I think it's a very UNSAFE practice to put your mirrors out that far. Turn your head! But like I said, it's personal preference.
Driving a truck, towing a trailer, or riding a motorcycle, and driving a prius are two very different scenarios.
Yes, with no center rearview, the mirrors need to be such that the operator may see what is directly behind - and this is when those spot mirrors are gold (bikes included).
With a car? Nope. Not required (but people have their 'preferences')
In 99% of all cagers, if the mirrors are tweaked properly, the driver may go from his peripheral vision on either side, to the side mirrors and to the rear view mirror and not miss a thing.
I guess I've learned to trust my instruments while flying.
No worries.