Sick , Sick , Sick , Sick. The guy was my hero back in 76. The year I graduated high school. I've always watched the Olympics. Every four years I wait on them. Track and field my favorite of all and the swimming. I don't care what this guy does to his body. Its his choice. But why do we have to glamorize it. The media loves this shyt. Its like a celebration and its shoved in your face. One if the most relevant sports figures of the 20th century reduced to nothing more than a locker room joke. I have to believe if the media didn't glamorize it some of this would not happen. No telling how much money is involved. Thats another thing. The media pays for this stuff! A lot of people in this country are very sick. Bruce may not be as sick as the people that promote this and are making millions off it. If you don't like this post then I am truly sorry. I don't do Facebook. This is where my social media friends are so this is where I vent.