Quote Originally Posted by ths61 View Post
Guess again. What do you think BHOCare is for? BHOCare covers gender reassignment procedures and surgeries with YOUR INCREASED TAX DOLLARS and INFLATED PREMIUMS. Talk about elective surgeries.

In the PRK, imprisoned criminals can get gender reassignment surgeries so they can go into women's correctional facilities on YOUR TAX DIME !!!

Gubener Moonbeam passed a measure allowing boys to shower with your little grand daughters in the public school systems if they so feel inclined without parental knowledge or approval of either child. In the PRK, the school can assist your underage daughter in getting an abortion without your knowledge or approval, but they can not give her an aspirin. The city of West Hollywood passed a law outlawing all gender specific bathrooms in all public businesses and facilities.

The PRK is setting the PC trend for the rest of the USA and shoving in your face at every opportunity. God help us.
Not so fast, at least nationwide. We have a murderer who killed his wife here in Mass wanting to become a female on our dime and so far it ain't happening.