Hi All,

I just picked up a 2013 Black F6B Standard while we were in Durango, CO. I had wanted to rent a bike while I was in town, but as it turns out none of the local dealerships do any rentals. (They say that the riding season just isn't long enough to make it worthwhile to carry the inventory, insurance, maintenance, etc...) So while I was in the local Honda dealership I just happened to ask them about a F6B that they were "stuck with" when I was visiting last year. The owner of the dealership told me that they finally sold it in August of last year and that the person who purchased it was just back in the shop a few days ago trying to sell it. As it turns out... this guy really loved the bike, but he just never had time to ride it and because of some other circumstances he was strapped for cash. The long story short is that the dealer put the two of us in touch with each other and I was fortunate enough to make a great deal on a bike with only 348 miles on it.


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