Ray lived around the corner from me and we often talked motorcycles. Ray was a die hard HD guy and you could see the snicker in his eye for me on my Yammy or Honda. But, he always was smiling, always out front caring for his lawn shirtless. If his tanned body and peroxide dyed hair wasn't caring for his lawn then his HD was on the lift in the driveway and he was polishing the over chromed monster. Yes Ray was a chromaholic, but it fit his beautiful blue HD.

I just awoke from a migraine nap. During my nap I heard the commotion of the helicopters from Houston news flyin overhead. I had my pistol with me and the wife was in her office working with her pistol so I had no concerns with bad guys running from the law, it would be a mistake to come here. I went back to sleep. After checking the forum I just now asked the wife about the rustling outside. Ray was killed shortly after 4:30 on our neighborhood street when a UPS driver turned in front of Ray. From the picture you can see Ray put the bike down when it was inevitable he was not going to get around the van. A neighbor witness said Ray was under the delivery truck. Ray was not moving.

Attachment 15551

Ray made the choice to never wear his helmet. I had seen Ray all over the northside of Houston as his HD was his only mode of travel...rain and shine. He never wore a helmet but he always looked like the king of the road to me. Nothing was going to happen to Ray. There is no way to say his lack of helmet killed him until the final ruling. His neck may have been broken in which case the helmet would not have helped. But after our recent thread I think we can all say, a helmet would have given Ray a fighting chance.

Ray was killed at an intersection where it is a challenge to get up to high speed. I drive it everyday. Ray was exiting an S curve in which I cannot lie, I have gone through it faster than I should. But it's an S curve, cmon man, you have to do the sway sway. But it's a challenge to exit at more than 40. But 40 and an inattentive UPS truck can kill you just as dead as a t bone at an intersection or run off the highway at high speed.

I walked down the street to see the accident scene and the road is still closed for the investigation. A few folks were standing in Rays' driveway and they verified it was Ray. Some tears welled up in my eyes knowing we lost a good good neighbor. A respectful man. But the saddest part was when I asked about a UHaul truck that was in Rays' driveway yesterday. Rays' daughter had just moved in with her father the day before. A tragic twist for our lost friend.

So when you go to bed tonight, say a prayer for Ray, for his daughter and for his family. Then hug them kids more than once. Kiss that ole hag once more than normal. The worst can happen in the most inconspicuous stretch of road. Ride safe my friends.
