Let met say I totally depend on this site and am in awe by the folks who use this forum. I have never seen a better group of forum users.

I have several problems, and I have tried three times unsuccessfully to send a note to the admins, or at least I never see a reply, so I am taking this public in hopes of possibly fixing my understanding, helping to determine if this only affects me, and hopefully be able to resolve them as well.

I am hoping others will voice their opinions/thoughts and perhaps a fix?

1) I am unable to use google to search on my mobile easily when I am trying to find the recommended oil filer for example, unless you log in. Why is this a complaint? because neraly all forums I use allow public browsing of threads, so it is just type this into google, click on the link and BAM: info you need at the register at a store. Why wouldn't you want the whole world to find our site and realize how kick ass we are, and subscribe? it would drive up google searches when folks need to know info on teh F6B, but don't know this site already. the way this site works, I am prompted to log in with my username and password. it sounds like nothing, but when I am busy doign three things at once already, i don't have my passwords memorized becuase they are all strong passwords, so I have to lauch a new app, pull the strong password, switch back to my mobile browser, paste the password, THEN 3 minutes later I have what I need. So maybe this is only me, but can't you see my perspective on why changing this site from private reading to public reading would grow our community? By the way, if you are reading this, make sure you log out of this site before trying it yourself.

2) I never receive email notices about new replies to subscribed threads, nor private messages. I verified my userCP is set to send me emails, my email address is correct (I used to receive I have a reply to threads.) and it is not going to my spam folder. So I must log on to see this information. i use "Subscribe to this thread and notify me of changes: instantly using email" I have 48 threads currently.

3) When I subscribed to multiple threads, I would get an email about thread #1 reply, but threads 2,3,4,5 I would never get. It was like if i didn't click on a link for #1 right away, i lose the ability to follow the others. I may have this wrong, it just seems there is a point where if I don't log in, I know there are updates and i never saw a link provided.