Steve 0080 wanted a way for all member's to share GPS (GPX) files. Without a specific FTP program the only way to do it was to send the files via email or CD or flash. So Steve came up with the idea of a group login for the HONDA Trip planner website. We did a small test and it does work. So you can now log into the website and import or export GPS trips, typically in the GPX format.

Shortcomings of this system?

Anyone can log in and delete files. Don't be a dik and delete someones files. That's easy enough.

We have not had more than two or three users at a time from different PC's. I don't have a clue if it will stop allowing the same user name to log on after so many have logged in. You can help this by not checking the 'stay logged in' check box at the sign in screen. Also you can log out when you are finished with your business.

Virus protection. Make sure you are actively using a virus protection when you import a file. Back to 'there are diks on this planet' and they live to screw it up for the good folks. Be cautious downloading.

So with that, here is the info you need


It's case sensitive, so pay attention or I'll get your momma to slap you.

Here is the web link to the site