i have been a rider since 1963 and have had my share of skinned knees and got hit once head on in 1985. Saturday 9/26/2015 I dumped my brand new F6B on the streets of Louisville, KY. Some S@# of a B)@$% left the fuel cap off of his Diesel Powered truck and dumped about 2 gallons of fuel on the road way. There was no visible clue to the spill.
The back wheel shot out from under me as I was making a slow speed right hand turn.(Less than 5 MPH) I did not even have time to lift my foot up from making a full stop at the red light. As the back wheel started to go out from under me I forced my right foot down to try to catch the bike. Bad mistake on my part. The bike scissored my leg to the black top and broke both the tibia and fibia. And for good measure it also dislocated my ankle.

The bike only has a few scratches on the crash bars. They performed as designed. The bike only slid about 5 feet.

This afternoon I'm going to the Dr. this to schedule surgery to repair the breaks. I was amazed that they set my ankle and put a splint on my leg and let me go home.
I am suffering some pain, Bless the designer of Oxycodone Hydrochloride!!!
This is not a request for money, I am well insured both on the bike and health insurance.

I was going to the Tail of the Dragon for my birthday next month and with any luck I'll still make it with out any cast on my leg.
Prayers are welcomed.