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Thread: Working without a Soc Sec #

  1. #31
    Senior Member ths61's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stroguy View Post
    So if we all jump on board I wonder what happens to that debt? that interest?......................................... .........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, points to ponder. Fortune cookies anyone?
    Maybe the government would stop spending their way out of debt ? Nahhh, that would never happen. Now where are those Federal

  2. #32
    Senior Member ths61's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by choptop View Post
    As someone who fell behind in Federal taxes in another time, newly divorces, self employed, raising 2 boys on my own and was raped by the government in penalties and interest that a loan shark would be put in jail for and had a sizable chunk of money taken out of my paycheck , once I was no longer self employed, for 10 years, eventually paying twice the tax owed, I have no love for a government that will squeeze every last damn cent out of it's citizens to payroll it's agenda and give everything to people not of this country ...
    Too bad your name wasn't Al Sharpton.

  3. #33
    Senior Member choptop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ths61 View Post
    Too bad your name wasn't Al Sharpton.

    [IMG]*aa9kBKvLvPX5zEFX8earYkx7EL A9NuPkFXtvfKvscV32rgW44w36sdOxSXG/sharpFerguson1.jpg[/IMG]

    I would rather they take it out of my social security till the day I die than be anything like Al Sharlatan. He is just another fine example of the different rules for different classes or the classless.

  4. #34
    Senior Member ths61's Avatar
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    Found this site:

    Spin on IRS Publication 1 to include Nontaxpayers:

  5. #35
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    I am not a fan of how my taxes are wasted. I would also add that it is perfectly legal to avoid taxes, illegal to evade taxes- to me the OP sounds like he has found an avoidance scheme- perfectly legal maybe.I do know that most sources report that SS usually winds up PAYING you more than you contribute...whether this hols up factoring sound investment of the 7.?% you pay I don't know...sound investment would be like no risk here- because that is essentially what SS equals. Self employed pay some 13%...I don't know the break-even there. I'm reluctant to slam someone for avoiding whatever taxes they can legally avoid.

    Last time I said we are totally effed as a country, it was interpreted as unpatriotic...well, my "patriotism" papers are in order- but between an expensive paralyzed congress and a president who wipes his ass with the constitution I repeat...we, at this time in our history- are screwed. I hold hope for the future, and I ain't moving!

  6. #36
    Senior Member choptop's Avatar
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    Kind of reads to me, like a Saturday night live tongue and cheek thing.

  7. #37
    Senior Member stroguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickJ View Post
    I am not a fan of how my taxes are wasted. I would also add that it is perfectly legal to avoid taxes, illegal to evade taxes- to me the OP sounds like he has found an avoidance scheme- OH, THIS IS THE PART WHERE A GOOD DEMOCRAT MEANS 'PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE'. ALL THIS TIME I THOUGHT IT WAS AIMED AT RICH FOLK THAT DID IT THROUGH HARD WORK. GLAD I FINALLY UNDERSTAND THAT IT"S THE TAX AVOIDERS. perfectly legal maybe.I do know that most sources report that SS usually winds up PAYING you more than you contribute...whether this hols up factoring sound investment of the 7.?% you pay I don't know...sound investment would be like no risk here- because that is essentially what SS equals. Self employed pay some 13%...I don't know the break-even there. I'm reluctant to slam someone for avoiding whatever taxes they can legally avoid.

    Last time I said we are totally effed as a country, it was interpreted as unpatriotic...well, my "patriotism" papers are in order- but between an expensive paralyzed congress and a president who wipes his ass with the constitution I repeat...we, at this time in our history- are screwed. I hold hope for the future, and I ain't moving!
    Thanks, good post.
    2015 F6B Deluxe
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  8. #38
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Budget Pie Chart

    This will give you an idea of where it comes from and where it goes. BTW, it all goes into/comes out of the General Fund, there are no trust funds, they've been spent a long time ago.

  9. #39
    Senior Member choptop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickJ View Post
    I am not a fan of how my taxes are wasted. I would also add that it is perfectly legal to avoid taxes, illegal to evade taxes- to me the OP sounds like he has found an avoidance scheme- perfectly legal maybe.I do know that most sources report that SS usually winds up PAYING you more than you contribute...whether this hols up factoring sound investment of the 7.?% you pay I don't know...sound investment would be like no risk here- because that is essentially what SS equals. Self employed pay some 13%...I don't know the break-even there. I'm reluctant to slam someone for avoiding whatever taxes they can legally avoid.

    Last time I said we are totally effed as a country, it was interpreted as unpatriotic...well, my "patriotism" papers are in order- but between an expensive paralyzed congress and a president who wipes his ass with the constitution I repeat...we, at this time in our history- are screwed. I hold hope for the future, and I ain't moving!

  10. #40
    Senior Member adventurous1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jm21ddd15 View Post
    Sorry, but YOU are wrong. Where do you think Federal Debt comes from? It comes from stuff like the Best Military in the world, for one example. And there are tons of Federal grants and subsities to Universities and Federal Hyway Grants all over our country. All your Californuia roads don't just come from your gas tax. Ever hear of a National Park? I think you have plenty on the west coast. You need to wake up to reality.
    Apparently,regarding your theory on National Parks, hwys, grants, etc., etc. you are more wise than the entire Grace commission who's report clearly states (when they addressed all your issues 40 yrs ago Sir;

    "100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt ... all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services taxpayers expect from government."
    -Grace Commission report submitted to President Ronald Reagan - January 15, 1984

    You are still not reading the truth or wantingly ignoring the truth.

    As is most cases of 'herd mentality', the herd when faced with the truth of being lied to, crucifies the messenger. Especially when those at the top are being threatened at being exposed. Galileo, crucified (house arrest) for telling the truth, Christ the savior - when he spoke the truth and then turned over the money changers table - crucified; the people who said the earth is really round and not flat - crucified. I tell you working w/o a Soc Security Number is voluntary - and I show you the facts - and most of you people on this venue become totally unclued. Why? Because you may have to face the fact that you've been lied to for decades.

    Gov't workers tell you the truth? Right. Weapons of mass destruction? Keep your doctor? President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger and the Bombing of Cambodia? The gulf of tonkin? The CIA overthrowing a democratically elected President in Iran during the 50's, the C.I.A.? The C.I.A. taking gaddafi's military weapons and selling them to Turkey on the black market to give to terrorist in Syria to overthrow another elected gov't (in Syria) - which by the way is completely against the law.

    Tax evasions is illegal - tax avoidance is perfectly legal. Love my country and when I discovered the truth - and investigated it fully - then I left the plantation. Most people cannot handle the truth about the SSN because if they acknowledge the truth - then they have to acknowledge they've been lied to for decades. Then they'd have to realize every time they see their check - that all of that labor was given to gov't workers and not their own families.

    Also, the lottery $$$ going to schools? That was the way it was sold to us. Logically, everyone thinks, "excellent, more $ for the schools." WRONG !! What they never told you was that yes the lottery $ will go to the schools; however, we'll now take the property tax money that was going to the schools, and we'll spend it on gov't worker pension plans, etc., etc. That's the reality.

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