Embrace the stealth.

Remember every neighbor you piss off votes. One day you'll be whining about not being able to ride motorcycles or not being able to buy aftermarket parts and the only person you'll have to blame is yourself. You think it won't happen? It already is.

If you're that much of an attention whore find another outlet. Don't fuck with my motorcycle or my ability to enjoy it.

I already can't ride to any nice riding places around where I live because of all the asswipes endeavoring to piss people off on their v twins. I've looked at a bunch of houses in the country and had to take some off the list because they were too close to nice riding roads and the roar was constant all day long. It makes me angry I have to choose between living on a great riding road and listening to juvenile morons all day.

I apologize for the rant. I don't care if you don't wear a helmet or like to wear silly biker costumes when you ride. I don't care if you prefer 1920s tractor technology for twice the price because you like the image the badge on the tank symbolizes. Because that stuff just effects you. Loud, obnoxious pipes ruin a lot of things for everybody. You live in a society. It requires you to treat your neighbor like you would like to be treated and that means don't force your noise on them.