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Thread: Trumps the one!

  1. #11
    Senior Member F6B1911's Avatar
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  2. #12
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Ding Dong the witch is dead

    He will bury her in the general election, if she doesn't get indicted. She had one opponent, a 5th rate candidate, and he whipped her fat ass state after state. Trump not only eliminated 16 candidates with a record amount of votes, he ended the Bush dynasty. President Trump, get used to it.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Darren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vondawg View Post
    This not a Canuck problem this is United States election...and he'll do fine.
    It's a world problem not just a US election and during his campaign he's made some interesting promises with not a lot of substance behind it. Not that any one else is any better.

  4. #14
    May not be a world problem after the election. Mr Trump will not hand out the money so freely. Countries like yours that ride our coattails might have to start paying for the privilege. At any rate its our country and our election. If Trump wins everybody better hang on. Its gonna be a wild ride. I look forward to it. VOTE TRUMP !!!!

  5. #15
    Senior Member Darren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
    May not be a world problem after the election. Mr Trump will not hand out the money so freely. Countries like yours that ride our coattails might have to start paying for the privilege. At any rate its our country and our election. If Trump wins everybody better hang on. Its gonna be a wild ride. I look forward to it. VOTE TRUMP !!!!
    Careful what you wish for, you might get it.

  6. #16
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren View Post
    Careful what you wish for, you might get it.

    Darren, if my memory serves me correct you are from England ???? not Canada.

    You ought to be worried about those British Neighborhoods that the average British citizen can't even traverse thanks to your policies to allow all of those great peace loving muslim immigrants into your country …. Perhaps you will wake up when more terroristic carnage occurs in Europe and Britain. Britain has been FOOLED and your politicians have sold you a bill of goods.

    Americans love this country and will defend what has made it so great and a World power in so little time. Most Europeans would like to see this country fail …. unfortunately those ignorant Europeans are also the first ones to run to America for assistance.

    If your British ways are so great, then why are you in Canada? just curious why you don't live in Britain if it's so great.

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  7. #17
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  8. #18
    Senior Member Darren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
    Darren, if my memory serves me correct you are from England ???? not Canada.

    You ought to be worried about those British Neighborhoods that the average British citizen can't even traverse thanks to your policies to allow all of those great peace loving muslim immigrants into your country …. Perhaps you will wake up when more terroristic carnage occurs in Europe and Britain. Britain has been FOOLED and your politicians have sold you a bill of goods.

    Americans love this country and will defend what has made it so great and a World power in so little time. Most Europeans would like to see this country fail …. unfortunately those ignorant Europeans are also the first ones to run to America for assistance.

    If your British ways are so great, then why are you in Canada? just curious why you don't live in Britain if it's so great.
    My reasons for being in Canada are personal, and have nothing to do with what I think of any country good or bad. I've been privileged to have lived in many countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America. All have their good and bad points.

    I've never got personal here (unlike others) or made any claims about the greatness of one country over another. Just curiously asked the question, that I wonder if Trump is able to back up the extra ordinary promises he's made during his campaign, as he never actually fleshed out how he intends to deliver these promises.

    Not sure how this has degenerated to an attack on me or Britain/Canada.

  9. #19
    Senior Member ths61's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren View Post
    My reasons for being in Canada are personal, and have nothing to do with what I think of any country good or bad. I've been privileged to have lived in many countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America. All have their good and bad points.

    I've never got personal here (unlike others) or made any claims about the greatness of one country over another. Just curiously asked the question, that I wonder if Trump is able to back up the extra ordinary promises he's made during his campaign, as he never actually fleshed out how he intends to deliver these promises.

    Not sure how this has degenerated to an attack on me or Britain/Canada.
    FYI, illegal aliens cost the US taxpayers over a net $100+ Billion/year. Eliminating that problem would pay for the wall in less than a single year, yielding surpluses every year from there on. The wall, deportations and enforcing the law is a very cost effective option if you look at the numbers. All of the liberal rags scream how expensive the wall will be, but they conveniently forget to mention the other side of the balance sheet which is many times larger. The American taxpayers would like their money back.

    Here is an engineer's cost estimate of $17 Billion (one time expense) to build the wall. Last time I checked, a single payment of $17 Billion is way smaller than $100+ Billion / year. The author compares it against NASA's budget, but never once compares it against the much larger reoccurring illegal alien costs to the USofA.

    Engineer's Cost Estimate

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Darren View Post
    Careful what you wish for, you might get it.
    I'm hoping and praying we do get it. We need a new direction and real change. We sure didn't get change with Obama. Same old status quo only worse. Bigger lies , more corruption , and total disregard for our Constitution. I hope Trump builds that wall and throws the illegals back over it. I'll be glad to help. Quit giving our tax dollars away to foreign countries. Tell Saudi Arabia to go pound salt. Barrel of oil for a bushel of corn. If they dont like that tell them to eat that sand. See how long they.make it like that. Let's make America greater. Bring respect back to our country. Stop the handouts to able bodied slackers. Help and support our wounded Veterans and make more resources available to our armed forces that have served. Makes more sense than giving an illegal a check , health insurance , and a place to live. Thats how we can start to turn this country around. Yep , I hope we get it. You obviously don't get it. You never will. This country was built on revolution. If need be we can have another one. We didn't let them take our guns. We still have a say. In November we are gonna have that say.

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