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Thread: Trumps the one!

  1. #41
    Senior Member
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    2,100 just gave me and my co-worker a good laugh.
    “Gibraltar” 2016 white deluxe has been sold.

  2. #42
    I don't know what I said but you're welcome.

  3. #43
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    “Gibraltar” 2016 white deluxe has been sold.

  4. #44
    Senior Member BuzzzPhotos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razco53 View Post
    Bout time don't ya think?
    Term limits would shake both parties up. That segment 20-20 did on the Congressional Fundraising requirements should be run every day till everyone sees it. Most ever Senator walks down the street to make phone calls for 30 hrs a week to raise money for their party. Hope some you fellas saw it.

  5. #45
    Senior Member BuzzzPhotos's Avatar
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    We've got your back Shooter

    Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
    I'm hoping and praying we do get it. We need a new direction and real change. We sure didn't get change with Obama. Same old status quo only worse. Bigger lies , more corruption , and total disregard for our Constitution. I hope Trump builds that wall and throws the illegals back over it. I'll be glad to help. Quit giving our tax dollars away to foreign countries. Tell Saudi Arabia to go pound salt. Barrel of oil for a bushel of corn. If they dont like that tell them to eat that sand. See how long they.make it like that. Let's make America greater. Bring respect back to our country. Stop the handouts to able bodied slackers. Help and support our wounded Veterans and make more resources available to our armed forces that have served. Makes more sense than giving an illegal a check , health insurance , and a place to live. Thats how we can start to turn this country around. Yep , I hope we get it. You obviously don't get it. You never will. This country was built on revolution. If need be we can have another one. We didn't let them take our guns. We still have a say. In November we are gonna have that say.
    I hear there are a LOT of babies born all over the country on our dime in our hospitals to illegals. I had to pay for insurance and then some to have kids in My country. Sad mess we have here.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzzPhotos View Post
    Term limits would shake both parties up. That segment 20-20 did on the Congressional Fundraising requirements should be run every day till everyone sees it. Most ever Senator walks down the street to make phone calls for 30 hrs a week to raise money for their party. Hope some you fellas saw it.
    I did.
    “Gibraltar” 2016 white deluxe has been sold.

  7. #47
    Moderator Hornblower's Avatar
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    It's disturbing to see how much mis-information has been put out there by liberals and even some so-called conservatives. Evidence of that has already been posted on this thread. Hopefully, we can all agree that Trump does know how to get things done. He's no dummy and he knows how to delegate. About the only question I have about him, at this point, is just how conservative he really is. I'm looking for a true conservative who loves this country and will fight to uphold the constitution and our freedoms. IMHO, it will take a very strong leader to undo all the damage that we've witnessed over the past 7+ years. Morality, values, and freedom have taken a huge hit under the current regime. We need a doer and not just a talker like most politicians have been. With that, we may have a chance to turn this country back around, God willing!
    Ken (Hornblower)

  8. #48
    Senior Member choptop's Avatar
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    I will vote for Trump and hope that something changes. Big money rules, not just here but world wide and it will be hard and take a long time to change, if not impossible. He will be one man against pretty much the whole political establishment, but it is a possible foot in the door for future outsiders but the establishment will fight tooth and nail for nothing to change. I read somewhere were some republicans politicians said they would rather vote for Hillary or not at all. What a sad commentary on the people that we voted into office. Many American soldiers have died and will continue to, because of politicians putting them in harms way, defending our country and what it stands for, or used to, and to have a assmonkey politician say he won't vote... Hillary is the same old sht, plane and simple and if you are alright w/the direction this country is heading or believe we are on the right track and feel that their is a secure future ahead for your children and grandchildren by all means vote for Hillary because it is your right, but we will continue down the same path, loose more freedoms, be restricted by endless new laws, continued redistribution of our tax dollars to take care of others before our own while buying votes w/our money. I could go on and on but I want change , can Trump do it, I don't know, but hopefully he can start.

  9. #49
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren View Post
    Trump's wall does need more explanation from him than the Mexicans will pay for it, like how his original budget was under 3 billion then slowly climbed to 17 billion and how effective it will be when the majority of immigrants enter the country legally, then simply over stay.Does the 17 billion cover the cost of the infrastructure to build the wall and the cost of repair and manning it. Also, isn't there already a fence? It might be time to get into the ladder business.
    Actually, in a properly constructed wall you would need less bodies to man it. An electrified topped, concrete reinforced wall cannot be cut like the current chain link fence, which is like a traffic cop on valiums. Military drones with infrared can be deployed very economically, as compared to manpower. How high the cost climbs doesn't matter because they will pay for it. Whether more come here illegally or over stay is not the point, the first line of action is to stop them from bleeding over then ICE can do their job of routing the freeloaders that are here. One very important thing is to print the electrified fence warning in Spanish. I would leave a couple on the fence all crusty and burnt just so the others will see what happens when you try and cut or hop over a high voltage barrier, visual is always better.

  10. #50
    Senior Member willtill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxfree4 View Post
    Actually, in a properly constructed wall you would need less bodies to man it. An electrified topped, concrete reinforced wall cannot be cut like the current chain link fence, which is like a traffic cop on valiums. Military drones with infrared can be deployed very economically, as compared to manpower. How high the cost climbs doesn't matter because they will pay for it. Whether more come here illegally or over stay is not the point, the first line of action is to stop them from bleeding over then ICE can do their job of routing the freeloaders that are here. One very important thing is to print the electrified fence warning in Spanish. I would leave a couple on the fence all crusty and burnt just so the others will see what happens when you try and cut or hop over a high voltage barrier, visual is always better.
    Not only those features to the wall as you have envisioned... also enhance the desolate areas on our side of the wall by establishing artillery impact training areas; for our armed forces.

    Of course we would be required to place bilingual signs on their side of the wall...

    ˇPeligro! Área de Impacto Arillery

    ...but they would have to pay for them as well

    21 years Army (retired)
    ...been everywhere, seen everything, done almost everything.

    IBA 80537

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