I've taken several long trips but none quite as long as this one, and only one of those other trips was on the B, and that was when she had fewer than 2K on the odo. I've been blessed to have taken those other trips on trouble free bikes and had no issues. Today I've got 6,009mi on the odo, the trip is an estimated 4,200mi. I had the 4,000mi service done on the bike last year (which included a new air filter) and have included pictures of my rear tire. I have my recall appointment scheduled for the 21st. Is there anything I should have them do, check, replace, flush, tires, etc. in preparation for the trip while I have it in there? I realize someone could say, "Change it all!" but I don't want to spend the $$$ if it's something that could wait until I return. I don't anticipate having any more than 6,600mi by the time I leave. How does my rear tire look, keeping in mind my odo. could be ~10,600 by trip's end. WingStuff still has the OEM's on sale, I plan to purchase a set even if I don't need to replace before I leave. Thank you very much for any input. I want to ensure another trouble-free trip and that this excellent machine is well prepared for it, and I value you knowledgeable folks' input.

For those interested, the trip itinerary is leaving Ohio the 15th of July. First destination is Mt. Rushmore, then on to a few days at Yellowstone. From there, down to Colorado Springs, CO and surrounding area (I LOVE Colorado), then a long haul back to Ohio.

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