Quote Originally Posted by stroguy View Post
Why do the shootings by police officers recently seem senseless? Have you seen or witnessed all the evidence? Why qualify the unrest with the word senseless? How many police shootings have there been in the last few weeks? Are they all senseless? How about we let the facts play out and not let the media and snipets from idiots enrage us?

Condolences to the police officers families. Every officer that goes to work has one priority, and that is to return home to their family.
As I said 'seem senseless" and did I qualify the unrest w/the word senseless, no. Just my opinions on what I , you and most Americans have read, seen video of or how ever your news is delivered to you. I have a brother, as I said that is a cop, I have no hatred for cops, I have no particular bone to pick w/people of color, black, African American. Being a relatively or like to think so, intelligent, informed man I base my "opinion" on what I hear, see and read because that is all I have and I can still have an opinion.

So make of my post as you wish, that is your right and form your own opinion of what you think I mean, that is your right. But don't read to much into it, it's just one mans gut opinion, not necessarily a condemnation of anyone.