I just wanted to let Geronimo know that sharing this has impacted someone...me. I had starting to slack on my ATGATT philosophy; in fact, for this first time in four years, I rode home last week in shorts and a T-shirt. A few trips before that, I rode without my armor jacket - a rarity for me since my 2012 accident.

I am back to my hot armor jacket and fluorescent vest every time. Also, I went into a local parking lot and brushed up on my low speed maneuvers. After a short warm up, and remembering my Ride Like A Pro tips, I was able to do lock-to-lock figure 8s again.

Good thing, because 1/4 mile from that lot, a guy pulled out in front of me.

Anyway, thanks for sharing, your pain and suffering did result in a "re-alignment" to at least one person's apparel and practice habits.