Quote Originally Posted by stevenolts View Post
Low cost (almost free) college could be possible if they change the whole system.

1. Students only get the low cost (almost free) college if they pass the entry test. (prove they are worthy) Your plan does not take into account race, economic status and will be fundamentally diluted to the point where the hardest part of the test will be filling out your name. All get in or none. Scrap the entry test.

2. Low cost (almost free) college will be in the form of a combination of online / you tube / on demand content with a low cost $100.00 proctored test. (students need to have something in the game not just waste all our resources on a party). Who pays for the internet connectivity, the salary of the people writing the courses, reimbursement to YouTube for their services, the salary of web developers? What if I don't have the hundred bucks because I have to feed my kids?

3. Students only get the Low cost (almost free) college if they work up to 2 years for the low cost college programs running the testing centers or maintaining the online programs for a fair wage or prove they have a job in their field of study. This part of the program will give them work experience and a job after they graduate. (This will prevent students without jobs after they graduate). You want me to work for two years for free? Who is going to pay my grocery bill, my TV bill, my car bills?

These are my thoughts on how we could get students who want to help themselves get a basic college education at a minimal cost. (everyone does not have a right to a free education / you have to earn it)
If they want to have a better education than this provides or do more there are ways in place for the exceptional students now.
The government should not prop up or subsidies the over priced college system. That is why college is so expensive now!!!
(College like the war on drugs can not be won but it is fund able)

How about we treat college as an investment and not a necessity. You can invest in your future by gambling your money on a future return. Leave the taxpayer out of it.