Was sitting in a left turn lane last night; behind a stack of cars. 1900 hours and it was already dark. Was watching my left mirror and saw a car approaching behind me; at a rate of speed that was concerning me. The driver was not slowing down...

...I had the bike already in gear and moved forward smartly to the right side of the car in front of me.

This IDIOT woman in a P.O.S. car approaching behind me suddenly slam's on her brakes; and screeches/stops in the same spot I just vacated The left turn signal had turned green at just about the same time and the traffic in front of me is starting to move through the left turn, I follow it and continually turn and glance at the IDIOT female of our species... I know she knew she could've killed me back there...

..as I enter the intersection, I make a very wide left turn to get away from her and to get her in front of me. She makes the turn inside of me and is mouthing and gesturing "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" continually. At least she pulled her head out of her ass at the last second back there... so she didn't cream into the vehicle that I was behind.

Watch your mirrors always, when stopped in traffic. Don't look away from them for too long.