Future users of this system will benefit from the 'test and tune' going on right now by D-shark and Bruce.

As can be imagined, it's a bit more involved than "slap it on and go" if you want the best results.

The 'reduced wind noise' is really a big draw for me. I currently run a 'Baggershield', and without the top shield 'up', the wind noise in my Shoei J-Cruise is pretty bad. Not really getting 'rough' air, but lots of 'high-velocity' air. 'Thunder' noise

The J-Cruise is a 3/4 helmet. I have a full-face RF-1100 which can be quiet on other bikes with all the vents closed, but haven't tried it yet as it's just now getting down into the 70's.

Keep us posted guys, and by all means, if you feel you have it pretty well dialed in, pics and descriptions of 'where its at' would be very appreciated!