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Thread: Just to clear the air

  1. #11
    Bird are you a preacher? I'm not trying to be funny but dang it you are always nice. I do appreciate people like you cause it helps the world balance out people like me. I'm not a bad person but after dealing with the public for 46 years I'm a little jaded. You're a fine man bird.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Big bird - I may "act" mature but inside I am an adolescent without acne and enough income to have a few fun toys. I act mature - mostly because I need to - otherwise I snicker at stupid stuff and think adults can be no fun.

    So call me what you will - but my wife would think mature is a stretch - I do too. ,

    And for those on the forum that can't be cool and find a way to voice your opinion objectively and with respect - find a different outlet for your negativity - us immature types don't like having our buzz ruined!

    Peace out


  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
    Bird are you a preacher? I'm not trying to be funny but dang it you are always nice. I do appreciate people like you cause it helps the world balance out people like me. I'm not a bad person but after dealing with the public for 46 years I'm a little jaded. You're a fine man bird.
    No preacher here, Shooter. But thanks for the kudos.
    I taught high school shops (electrical) for 35 years. I now am doing part time trade math (carpentry and plumbing) to recently incarcerated adults. I can't say I've seen and done it all, but I've seen and done a lot. For 53Driver and other chopper drivers, I've even done some GTRO basics instruction. I had to take a 40 hour hands-on maintenance course at a world class overhaul facility for the RR250 (T63 and T703 in the military) used in a lot of small Bells and some fixed wing as well (Beechcraft Bonanza). But enough of me. Back to the F6B. Way more interesting.

  4. #14
    Senior Member hiflyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbird View Post
    the RR250 (T63 and T703 in the military) used in a lot of small Bells and some fixed wing as well (Beechcraft Bonanza). But enough of me. Back to the F6B. Way more interesting.
    And the Silver Eagle P210. Ask me how I know!

  5. #15
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbird View Post
    It's sometimes really difficult to bite one's tongue after being goaded or jabbed. I speak from experience.
    Yes, we've all had our buttons pushed at one time or another. There are always a few (and sometimes many) members of any forum who thrive on button pushing.
    I can't say I've found any here in the 7 months I've been a member.
    Most of the credit for that goes to Phantom, who does a fantastic balancing job between allowing freedom of speech and quick intervention, when rarely necessary.
    The rest of the credit I give to our members, who are mature adults, with a lot of life experience, and little to prove to others.
    A quick reset and forward we move.
    I couldn't have said it better myself, one must practice constraint at times for the overall good but then sometimes some people get on their knees and beg you to hate them, it's a process and a learning experience.

  6. #16
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1BADF6B View Post
    Totally off subject but you're the first NYer I have seen on here. I was wondering if anyone else in NY knew how to use the forum lol.
    In the city they're either on rice crunchers or Harleys. I have only seen one other person, since 2013, with an F6B beside me.

  7. #17
    Moderator Hornblower's Avatar
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    This thread, so far, illustrates just how "classy" this forum is. No doubt, we'll disagree at times and sometimes passionately but, in the end, we appear to be trying to take an "agree to disagree" attitude. This makes for an exceptional forum, IMHO .
    Ken (Hornblower)

  8. #18
    Senior Member Spanky's Avatar
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    guns, religion,politics,family

    I've watched from afar, and it seems to me the hot button issues are gun rights, religion, politics, family, and you can add more and more. In the words of Rodney King... "why can't we all get along?"

    If you are posting in the off topic, be thick skinned as yours is not the only or right opinion out there. it's ok to stir up the pot, just keep it civil.

    I try to steer clear of adding to the BS, when these topics come up, I just think, everyone has an opinion, it is not mine and if someone tries to force an opinion on me, it's proof that they are not confident in their beliefs. Why else would they want me to join? so in short, I'll keep outta yours, you keep outta mine, and lets talk about motorcycles!

  9. #19
    Moderator bob109's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spankyrir View Post
    I've watched from afar, and it seems to me the hot button issues are gun rights, religion, politics, family, and you can add more and more. In the words of Rodney King... "why can't we all get along?"
    Your list could also include Dark Siding, Oil etc. etc. Everyone, including myself, is passionate about something we hold close/dear to our heart. Forgetting that fact can lead to some downright "mud slinging". When it gets to that point it becomes time to "check all firearms at the door and head to the bar" Being on numerous forums over the years I've encountered my share "trolls" who make it a career of being "a$$hole agitators. Most Administrators and Moderators do a great job of culling the heard of those folks. This F6B Riders Forum is a great source of collective knowledge from great people and I'm personally delighted to be a member We are all guests in someone else's house and should act accordingly

  10. #20
    DarkSider#1617 Steve 0080's Avatar
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    Flyboy, "I don't know what you're really like, but just from reading your posts, you come across as a very intolerant person, and that is just my humble opinion. I wish you the best! "

    Society as I see it is heading to pure tolerance...some older and most younger don't have a stance on ANYTHING...EVERYTHING is OK..... Seems to me their moral compass is broken, it is this same mindset that when we are taken over or whatever else is in this countries future will sit idly by while it happens and then will wonder why?
    " Truth is often deemed rude, blunt and to the point which is why so few make their friend " Freddy Hayler ..352-267-1553 Sanford, FLA Gutterman6000@Gmail.com

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