Quote Originally Posted by 2015F6B View Post
Ya know, you're right! After 21 years down here, I've seen enough of it too, enough for several lifetimes in fact! Maybe I should think about moving. I have to admit, I've really grown tired of the great weather, the sunshine, the beaches (and of course the babes), the 12 month riding season, Daytona bike week, the annual 12 Hours of Sebring race and well, you know, everything else we suffer with down here. I lived in Texas for a while, now there was a great place to live, I'd go back in a heartbeat. Lived in Kansas too, another great place. And I just remembered, I lived in Kentucky for a while - and oh yea, Michigan. I even lived in Taipei, Taiwan for a few years, but we won't get into that. And speaking of Indiana, when I used to belong to the BMWMOA (BMW Motorcycle Owners of America), I went down to Shakamak Lake State Park near Jasonville, IN for a rally each year. Beautiful country around there, love to go back! But ya know, the more I think about it, the more I think I should just stay here and suffer. Getting to old to move anyway, and then there's that income tax thing. But I promise, the next time I'm out riding I'll really make an effort to think about all the other places I could live. So that's it, after a lot of thought, I decided, I'm staying here!

PS: please don't take this too serious, the thread was meant to be humorous
There is something really satisfying about thinking of all the places you could live...and have the means to, and deciding that where you are is the best choice...the grass only seems greener for a minute. If it seems greener for much longer- it might be time to move. Good thread.