Quote Originally Posted by Navvet View Post
The other thing nobody talks about is how we have had troops in the middle east since WWII.

I was stationed in the middle east in 83 and again in 88-89 (MEF/JTFME).

Thanks to Sadam's cousin "Chemical Ali" I had to go through a year of chemo to try to cure the cancer from the WMD's that didn't exist.
Sorry to hear about the chemo and hope you are recovered. Chemo is nasty stuff.

The article indicates they recovered more than 4,500 chemical weapons. How many chemical weapons do you need to recover to qualify for their existence ?

The article also indicated that the field docs were not diagnosing the exposed soldier's blistering lesions as being exposed to mustard gas until they violated the chain of command and sent pictures up the line. Sounds like the field docs were extremely incompetent or had a narrative to keep at the expense of the infected soldiers.