Quote Originally Posted by GaTeach View Post
I had a GPS and mount on my VStar but when I hooked up with Sweet Georgia, I didn't want to defile her good looks with that ugly-ass GPS. Moral of the story: I'm lost about 90% of the time now. And that's ok with me.
+1 I'm with You, Teach. I don't want or need a GPS on my 6. A great part of the ride is adventure. Who wants some machine telling us where to turn, or do a U turn, etc. I can read a map if I need to get technical. Getting lost is totally fun. Seeing a road you've never been on, and asking yourself, "I wonder where that goes", and then taking the road, is my mindset each time I get on the road. And yes, I do get mixed up at times, but who cares? I still seem to get to my final destination. I suppose if I did much big city driving, it would be helpful, but I live in a rural area, and do my best to avoid the cities.