I'm still hoping to get a new F6b this coming spring, despite having a bit of concern of getting such a heavy bike. My current Triumph Thunderbird is about 750 lbs. and adding another 100+ pounds has me just a tad nervous, especially about slow speed handling and backing up with a passenger on board. And I'm getting older, and know that at some point handling such a large bike might just get to be too much even if I stay healthy. So I was looking at landinggear.com and their product (which they say is made for the GL1800 so I assume it would work on the F6b). I was wondering if any on this forum have or know of this product, or any other such product that provides extra stability at very slow speed, and have any advice on this issue. Although it is expensive, it appears that with such an addition I would no longer have any real concerns over riding this really heavy motorcycle.