As mentioned in an earlier post i ordered a new ;Matte silver'. Well the dealer rang me today and told me it arrives next Tues/Wens, great news!

I don't think i have been quite as exited about a new bike in a lot of years after reading all of your views and reviews on this marvelous site.

Problem is, i got very enthusiastic today and, with 'The wife and cat' in the same room, i delved deeper into the information availible on this forum but worse still i opened the attached Vendors sites [just for a browse] and the Goldwing accessories world [Murky at times, I've heard] opened up before me, slowly but surely.

Sh**, i spent a little extra money on the bike when ordering, however as each vendors 'goodies site' opened and i thought, 'yep a little bit of that and a bit more of this', suddenly hundreds of extra dollars spent, however it got worse, i discovered 'Wingsworld' and with an icy stare from 'The wife' and 'The cat' both of whom promptly left the room i bought thousands of $$$$s of 'some more here' and 'some more there' suddenly I'm facing Bankruptcy,Divorce and Misery but I'm really looking forward to the delivery date's of all i bought.

Heaven and hell!

Am i sick, am i wrong, Am i alone in the world?

Help, Jim