I had a computer technology intern assigned to me for a 10 day period. This was a few years ago at the end of my career when I was completely in control of all aspects of my job. The first morning the kid sat down and tried to log onto my network to read his personal E-mails. He had been on duty for two minutes. I told him that we were in an inventory cycle and it was going to be all shoe leather, barcode scanners and flashlights for the next month. I had, give or take, 100 million in capital asset equipment to find, scan and verify location. The kid literally told me he wasn't going to leave the office. Trust me, he did but never returned after lunch. He left and filed a complaint with the university that our expectations were unreasonable and had nothing to do with his agenda. He could not comprehend that computer data is more than data in a drive and that it represents, in many cases, real world systems, equipment and products that allow the human race to function. The front half of my job was loading and managing history, maintenance and depreciation of the asset property into a massive rather complex data base. He didn't last long enough to gain any insight into the total program. He is probably ceo of a gaming company or flipping burgers.