Quote Originally Posted by dickiedeals View Post
Being the Vice President of one such 3 Piece Patch Club here in Florida, I could say a lot but I'm not going to. I will say tread lightly with the top and bottom rocker thing. There is a great difference in a Motorcycle Riding Club and a Motorcycle Club the second being a 3 piece patch club some 1% some not. The later is a brotherhood like no other ,family, thicker than blood.

I have no doubt that if you fly a top and bottom rocker without permission of you local dominate Club you will find out pronto. Respectfully Dickie
Because I was in the motorcycle industry and an International Motorcycle organization for over 20 years I have walked the fence among the various clubs and I will absolutely second Dickies comments. Right or wrong, top and bottom rocker is just a bad idea. I would pick another battle.