X3 on the RDL. I know for a fact that I will not buy any other seat, ever again, that is not a Russell Day-Long saddle. I bought this F6B on a Saturday...called Russell 2 days later on a Monday...was told that the first available Ride-In appointment was not until June 12th...more than 2 months away. I scheduled the appointment...but knowing I "had" to ride the new bike to Tennessee in early May, I also called and scheduled to have a Rick Mayer seat done...as a temporary seat. Got the Rick Mayer seat done in early May, rode to Tennessee and back...hated the seat...sold it with an exchange for another OEM seat, and when my appointment time for Russell rolled along, had then make my 11th RDL...and this one is the BEST they have ever made for me.

I shall NEVER go to anyone else for an aftermarket seat again.

If YOU do not have a bad back, or do not ride long distances, then you may not want or need a RDL. But for those of us that do ride long distances, or have back issues, the very best seat in the world...is a Russell Day-Long saddle.
