Quote Originally Posted by stevenolts View Post
Welcome / (I had a 2010 HD Fatboy and the F6B makes me barley look back) I bought the 2013 standard black $13600 out the door with extended warranty and road side

It sounds like you have been reading the forum and have most of the needed add on's already figured out.

I can recommend a few things from you comments.

Seat: Mustang Day Tripper - puts you down an inch
Windhield: Madstad (the best I have ever had) The stereo will get much louder
Cruise Control: I added the aftermarket cruise control (works great / a real project to install) Nice on long trips
Maintenance: Other than oil changes you won't need to do much

You are right this is the best bike / I love it more every day / ride it and you will believe.
Nice deal on a new bike! Thanks for the recommendations. I'll check em out once the bike is in the garage.

Quote Originally Posted by Patch View Post
FWIW, I picked up a used 2013 on Feb 19th for $12,500 from a dealer here in Austin. Traded my previous bike in and walked out only owing $5200. Like you, I had the chance to test ride one a couple of weeks before the purchase and didn't want to return it. I don't regret the buy at all. I've since racked a hair over 8,000 miles on it. My previous bike, I had used for commuting and a few weekend outings and over the course of a year and a half only managed to put 10K miles on it.

I love this bike. I find excuses to ride it. Never had cruise control before, think it might be nice to have on my upcoming national tour on the bike but definitely wasn't a deal-breaker.
Kury Ergo III pegs are a great addition...the riding position is good but my knees need that stretch now and then.
Swap out the windshield unless you find a bike where someone has done it already. My bike came with a Klock Werks. I don't like wind hitting me directly in the neck and face. Some don't mind it.
Servicing the bike is easy, except for the aircleaner, but it's not that difficult to get to. I ordered a service manual but won't see it for another few months apparently. No problems thus far figuring stuff out on my own and with the help of this forum. There is alot of great tidbits of info...and plenty of folks that tickle the funnybone. Probably the nicest bunch for a forum I've ever been part of, and that's saying alot since I've been on forums before there was a fully public internet. (back when 300 and 1200 baud modems were used to connect to FidoNet)
The plastics, while there is a ton of it on the bike, are easy to remove, easy to paint, and relatively easy to get back on.
If you are comfy with the seat, stick to it unless you start feeling butt-burn or some other issue. I've logged 3 tanks of fuel (just off the bike long enough to fill it up) without having to get off and walk around a bit at the fourth and it was more for leg/knee discomfort than butt. I think the stock seat is awesome.
There are some great deals on well-maintained used F6B's.

Another great deal. You guys aren't helping my GAS any, just making it worse! Do motorcycle forums use the term GAS(gear acquisition syndrome)? I use it often on the guitar forums. That's great info, I appreciate. You folks have been great already!

The new 2013 close by for $16g otd sold. None of the local dealers are wanting to budge on price for a 2015. I'm going to shop around. There are still some 2013s out there for $13999, not too far away. Hoping to pull a 2015 for a good price.