I got my recall work done a couple of weeks ago, and my neighbor gave me a ride home from the dealer on drop-off day. He drives a Dodge Charger with a Hemi in it, and I noticed a hum as we drove back home. Of course the thing roared when he stepped on it, but when we were cruising along there was definitely a persistent hum as we road along. It never was annoying, just present.

Fast forward to this weekend... I finally installed a set of TBR pipes. I was hesitant to grab ANY aftermarket pipes, because I knew that the Torq Loopz installation process seemed to be a bit much for me, BUT I didn't want to get trapped with a set of pipes that would "drive me bonkers with the droning". Nevertheless, I decided to roll the dice and buy a set.

Well, I LOVE THE PIPES!!! The sound is as advertised. It sounds like a race car!!! When I got out on the highway, I listened for the dreaded drone and you know what I heard? I heard the same hum that I heard while riding in my neighbor's Hemi-powered Dodge Charger! FAR from an intolerable, giant, bumblebee... Just the same persistent hum that you hear when cruising in a car with a lot of grunt under the hood.. It's obviously a tad louder since the sound has to travel through much more mass to get to your ears when in a car with the windows up than through a full face (or less) helmet. Also, the sound is clearly behind you... just like the sound coming from the Charger and others.

Personally, I don't know why this has caused such a stir. Every muscle car that I've been in sounds like this. Yes, it's very different from the quiet sound of a stock F6B, but IMHO, it's FAR from maddening. Drivers of Mustangs, Chargers, Corvettes etc. have been experiencing this sound for years... AND LOVE IT!!! I recognized it immediately for what it was, and it didn't bother me. It actually was a good feeling to know that my bike was making sound out of the pipes that others could really hear for a change. It also sounds wicked when going through tunnels and underpasses!!!! I guess the change from the stock pipes' ability to seriously dampen the V6 is a bit much for some.

Oh well... to each his/her own.

Ride safe and enjoy YOUR preferred bike sound!!