Quote Originally Posted by Craig_328 View Post
I hear ya. how dark are they? My only issue with the install is if you decide down the road to remove them, will they leave gew on the lenses. If they do - how will we remove it and hope to not damage the perfect headlights we have.
They have instructions on the Lamin-x site; as to how to effect removal of the film if one chose to do that. Excerpt below from their website:

To remove a long-term installation, warm the film and peel it off slowly. If there is any adhesive left on the lens, simply roll it into a ball using your finger or thumb. Use an adhesive remover, or a similar product that is safe for automotive finishes, to remove any left-over residue.

Being that our headlight lenses are made of a plastic/acrylic material; rather than glass... am not sure if it would be more difficult or damaging though...