So, my order got cancelled from the eBay seller and my account credited. I am not buying their explanation. Here is the body of the email I received:
New message: Jeff, While packing another custom...

New message from: motorcyclegear2 Top Rated Seller(6,111Green Star)

While packing another customer's order for the new Kabuto Ibuki Helmets we received in on Thursday a crew member noticed there were some significant blemishes on the helmet. Since this morning we have been going through the helmets and found that several of the other sizes have blemishes as well.

Due to only selling brand new items we do not feel comfortable shipping these helmets out to you in there current condition. We have had to ship this entire palate back under warranty.

In lieu of these findings we have sent your order down to accounting to be canceled and refunded for you immediately!
Thank You
MotorcycleGear2 Crew

Kabuto Ibuki Helmet Large Shiny Red 7875303
Kabuto Ibuki Helmet Large Shiny Re
Price: $102.11
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Watchers: 3
Quantity Remaining: 0
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Get to know the seller motorcyclegear2

• Located: Pflugerville, TX, United States
• Member since: Jan 12, 2011
• Positive Feedback: 99.7%

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Email reference id: [#a11-ub7wqre3bl#]_[#ca7949846ff44ff3bf770403cee19f4c#]

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eBay sent this message to Jeff Ryan (jefrya0). Learn more about account protection. eBay is committed to your privacy. Learn more about our privacy notice and user agreement.

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