Quote Originally Posted by Elroy View Post
Thanks to everyone for their input! It is much appreciated. I value what others have said about rain. The last trip we took to NC we were rained on almost the entire time. I would certainly not want to be preoccupied worrying about my treads in a downpour rather than my driving. I've definitely got a decision to make.

Solo, but with enough gear for 12-13 days. Both bags will be loaded and probably my Kury Ultra Tour bag on the rack or pillion.

Yes, 4,000 is way early for a new air filter. Unfortunately I was unaware I was allowing mice to live rent-free in my breather box and they'd chewed on the filter and set up some architecture so it needed replaced.
I am told that stuffing steel wool or Brillo pads into the exhaust pipe ends will keep the mice out of the air-box...Never had the problem although I have trapped mice in my garage on occasion..Did stuff the 6 ends of my Cobra pipes this last winter just to be safe....Ride safe and have a great trip.....