Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
You know , all Muslims aren't terrorists. But it seems that all terrorists are Muslim. I believe Trump has it right. For me it makes more sense to get rid of them instead of my guns. I loved Obama's speech on TV today. He was hard on Trump. You guys know that Hillary is fighting for her life. If she loses the presidential race Trump is gonna put her in jail. It will happen. She knows it. Barry showed his true colors today. Said HE will not allow Trump to deport Muslims. Which leads me to believe that he may not give up the presidency. Or believes that once out of office that he will still have power. Lots of things happening. Next 5 months may be the most important in this countries history. Guys talk it up with your friends. Impart a sense of urgency to get out and vote. Our Muslim president and his cronies need to go. And Billary sure as hell don't need a shot at it. Put that biotch in jail.

Rid the country of terrorists or my guns? Hmmm, considering my guns can rid the country of terrorists I think the choice is easy. I counted my 5.56 ammo last month. Is 32 cases enough?