Quote Originally Posted by Bruce B View Post
Thanks for getting the ball going on this, Phil. Count me in. You picked the perfect day on my calendar.

I have some potential lunch ideas. "Guisti's" on the delta in Walnut Grove is an institution and the food is great. Another on the delta is "Fosters Big Horn" in Rio Vista. Also an institution, it's filled with the original owners big game trophies. Going the other way to booming downtown Volcano, there is the general store with it's brick oven for doing burgers and also the old hotel. I don't think they're seasonal. I'm not fussy at all where we go, as long as we get together to enjoy the company and to ride. Thanks again. Bruce
I've been to Foster's! It's cool but a little eerie. My brother in-law lives near San Jose and we camped out at Brannan Island State Park. It was a family trip so I didn't have the bike.