Quote Originally Posted by hardtail View Post
Glad you had a good summer. Had fun and no animals were harmed in making this documentary. What about this work thing? Seems like I was there once but can't remember where it was.
Ernie, I looked for you when I went through WV!

I can't honestly say that no animals were harmed in making this documentary. I yell curse words at every deer I see and probably hurt quite a few of their feelings. And squirrels just can't help themselves. I was going down a gravel/dirt road, god knows where, so I wasn't doing the speed of light. Just trucking along. There's a squirrel in the middle of the road, doing that thing they do in the middle of the road. Left! No Right! No Left! I hate those things. I never veered, never slowed. The stupid thing had plenty of time to see me. When I got by where it was, I looked in the mirror and didn't see it. Ok, got away. A couple of seconds later, there it is in the road, flat as a pancake, tail waving like a flag. Good riddance. Darwinism. Too stupid to live.

So some animals might actually have been harmed. lol (Certainly not any animals at Bob Penn's compound. Those animals are treated very well. Very well.)