Quote Originally Posted by F6B1911 View Post
She just lost the election

Hillary just lost the election.
Listened to some of the speech, she rallted on about building up the midle class, then turned around and said college will be free.
....How the hell you going to provide four years of college for free with out taxing the exact same people you just said will see relief.
Her first 100 day plan cannot happen without massive tax increases.
She attacked the first amendment.
She attacked the second amendment.
I'm not even going to comment on how proud she is of the Iran nuke deal.

Gotta pray.....
I hate it too. Unfortunately the Convention Hall is full of people that only heard 'Free College'. Oh gotta vote for someone who has all those baloons, right?! It's sad that our country's future is in hands of these people. I guess rock concert atmosphere equals votes. Very superficial but effective, I fear.

Gotta pray indeed...