Quote Originally Posted by GaTeach View Post
I was gone for 26 days with a back pack in the saddlebag. For the rally? Everything ought to fit in the center console.
Either you don't sweat or you're a frequenter of laundromats?

I can get some serious milage out of worn jeans... shoot I can get milage outta most of my clothing... but chose not to during this day and age.

When I was in the Army and in the field; it was never unusual to go for a week without even taking a whore bath. Once I did 2 weeks non-stop; sweating in a MOPP suit, I came out of it blacker than the darkness of a coal mine. When we came out of the field, the garrison and the civilians would steer clear of us... the sensed stench was repugnant. Not to us though; since we were used to it.

These days... I like to be a "little" cleaner.