So I just recieved my 13" medium dark Madstad windshield. Was struggling to get the bas portion of the windshield mounted; I initially though the two outer holes were not drilled precisely in alignment with the windshield mounting holes on the front fairing. I did eventually get the Madstad base mounted by carefully aligning the screw collars in the holes of the windshield base; and working all three screws down simultaneously.

However I see now that I have quite a gap on the outside areas of the Madstad windshield base:

(Note - the weatherstripping on the bike is being reflected on the black Madstad base; so it appears as two pieces of weatherstripping; rather than one).

Is this normal for those whom have installed the Madstad windshield base previously. If so, did you just add some additional weatherstripping? Or are the holes in the base of my Madstad actually off a bit; and contributing to this gap that is on both outer edges of the base?