Quote Originally Posted by willtill View Post
That would be cool, certainly if we converged at the same time going past/through Nashville. So we need to start disseminating telephone numbers via PM's... so we can communicate as we make our way and make our whereabouts known to each other. Keep in mind that we all are burning daylight so if it seems that a meetup may be delayed by either party (due to distance still needing to be covered) we really must push on, as to not prolong the trip.

You can do it! I'm an early bird anyway and can launch out of here at o'dark thirty Monday morning and pick you up off that exit before the sun rises.

Monday all day we push to Knoxville, spend the night and then break camp early (meaning leave the hotel) and push it all the way in to Russellville.

Monday and Tuesday are to be regarded (at least to us, probably applicable to others as well) as nothing but 100 percent concentrated travel days to the destination. Two big "bites" out of the total anticipated 1,100+ miles to the Rally.

I-81 south is regarded as "truckers highway" but I really never had an issue with them when I took it down to to our last years Rally in Maggie Valley, North Carolina.

Of course we have to plan for all contingencies ie bad weather, construction, etc however two whole days is doable for this trip.

Prepare your mindset (most important) and then prepare for the ride.
Was raised by a life long Navy Master Chief and was expected to rise with the sun and the flag.
So I have no trouble doing the O dark thirty to start our ride, see when you can get here