Another point, on the subject of the intuitive factor of this bike, I have never had to be so quick in MY reflexes, especially, when I want to switch lanes. I'll see the opening in the next lane, instinctively crack the throttle, the torque monster accelerates, I swerve into the lane and I'm in where I want to be and this all happens in a split second. It is as close to controlling the bike with your mind as you can get because of the quickness of the response and the power of this bike. With my Harley that same operation seems to take so much longer as you crack the throttle, wait for the noise and you will get there but no where near the time, or what feels like, it takes the B. I am impressed with this bike more and more every time I ride it and I cannot see myself ever changing. As the V-Twins boys play their inchworm "cc" game of "I'm bigger than you are", climbing to the point where the next engine from Harley will be the "Griddle Head", for us it's like looking into the next lane on the B - we're already there.