Quote Originally Posted by lgjhn View Post
Congrats, BadDawg!
A BunBurner Gold is not an easy task.
I've got the two beginner runs, the SaddleSore 1000 and BunBurner 1500, under my belt
The BunBurner Gold is my next ride...hopefully this Fall when the heat gets outta here.
I've been trying to get at least one of my riding buddies to do it with me, but they all think I'm nuts....LOL...I am NUTS!!
So, it looks like it's just gonna be me, the F6B and I-10 west across Texas and back.
Again, Congrats on a ride well-done!

TX I-10 is the perfect place to,do it. I did my first BBG going from Tucson to Junction City TX. That wad on my VTX1800. Had an aux tank on that too. Had a good friend almost same set up do it with me. That can be a good or a bad thing. He was great, others not so much.