Quote Originally Posted by Brasco View Post
Terry, I faced the same dilemma and wanted the Rivco pegs but they were on backorder at the time and are pretty pricey. I was also a bit concerned about damage potential (however unlikely) with a tip over with the pegs extended. I chose to go with the Ergo II and just got them powder coated flat black. Like Steve, I wasn't thrilled about getting pegs that 'hang off' the engine guard given the streamlined look of the B. But now that I have them they look just fine IMHO and work well. Really came in handy on a 4,000 mile seven state tour this August.
There are several reports on the GW forums about the a bike getting tipped over with the pegs extended and with the original Aero's installed, there was valve cover damage.
The new pegs are "notched" to keep that from happening.
I have the originals, so I got my muscle memory to close them nearly all the way at speeds below 20 mph as a habit now.

There! All better!
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