None of this is terribly surprising.

When the MSRP of a CVO Ultra is deep into the $40K's...and the technology and reliability of that bike is deep into the 1970's....and the entire used HD market is as totally saturated as it presently is (and will be far into the foreseeable future)....Why would anyone spend the money for new?

HD has brought this upon themselves. They thought they could get by and just coast on the HD name without investing in product improvements. On top of it, they turned away from their traditional customer base, nearly tripled their prices, and pandered to the affluent white-collar buyers instead. Now it has all come home to bite them on the ass.

Not only did they voluntarily shoot themselves in the foot....they used a 12-gauge shotgun to do it.

Nope...I harbour no sympathies for them. H-D has become the Edsel of the motorcycling world. Their day is done.
