I've been watching the market for several months... the advice given here is sound. There are deals to be made on new F6B's (even older model year bikes still in crates). The market for the F6B is soft, and you are entering the "dead of winter" so that is also in your favor.

Originally I wanted a new, white, 2016 with cruise... but in the end, I decided to compromise the color and cruise, and got a 2013 Deluxe in Red with 2700 miles on it, for $10,500.

That was a considerable savings from the cost of new, and if Honda decides to totally update the Gold Wings in 2018 or 2019 or whenever... I can still upgrade to the new model and not take that huge depreciation hit of buying new. Then again, Honda would have to make some huge improvements in order to make me want to part with my current F6B.

Just my $.02.
