Quote Originally Posted by opas ride View Post
Right on my friend, I have 16 Grandkids ranging in age from 20 to 2 and their are all smarter than me with this "high tech" stuff...I guess I am still and "old school" guy and see no need for this fancy, expensive, and generally useless gadgets!!!
Quote Originally Posted by buckeyeken47 View Post
I find it kind of funny - I worked my entire life on high tech computer systems and I find most of the gadgets useless as well.
I too have a strong computer background.
Been building them since 1983.
Got a BS in "Computer Science" and an MS in "Information Systems Management."

What I tell people?
These gadgets are merely tools - NOT a lifestyle.
When people treat them as a "got-to-have-or-I'll-die" kinda thing, that is completely out of line with the intent of technology.
