Quote Originally Posted by Davidk View Post
You are incredibly delusional. Mind shattering delusional.

-Obanination Care is a disaster. Skyrocketing costs, insurances companies dropping out all over the country. It is collapsing under its own weight . Obomination lied through his teeth about it.

-Worst racial separation since the 60s

-Increased our debt more than all presidents combined

-Lowest labor participation since the 70s

-Lowest home ownership in 51 years

-12 million MORE american on food stamps since the obomination was elected

-Dozens and dozens more

He will go down as the worst president in history.

He was elected because of racism. Many supported him because he is black - that is the definition of racism. Many supported him because of his lying promises of "free stuff." Many supported him because the grew up learning to be dependent on government. the rest supported him because of their inability to think for themselves and research and learn. The same "qualities" are multiplied for Hilderbeast supporters. His elections were an embarrassment of epic proportions. The best explanation that I have heard is the he was America's sympathy fuck.
One of the hallmarks of a bully is their use of loud, aggressive, foul language and name calling.
These are used in an attempt to intimidate.
Nobody likes a bully - besides their words are little more than blank ammunition which only makes noise leaving the barrel.