Quote Originally Posted by tiltingf6b View Post
lots of folks, LIKE President Trump are unable to look at both sides of the coin with a rational unbiased mind and determine or at least weigh the truth without manipulating it in their heads to make it be what they want it to be...
That must be the "alternate facts" that Kellyanne Conway was referring to, right? LOL!

I've never read the NY Times in my life, so me getting this news story from them has nothing to do with me being biased towards them. Besides, I heard this story from MANY different sources, including my local news, which is a Fox affiliate.

It seems the Monkey Paw President is more interested in stroking his own ego than running the country. His assertion that his inauguration turnout was the biggest in history is just hilarious in that it is so obviously, blatantly, easy to prove to be false.

I'm just gonna sit back and
