Quote Originally Posted by JMartin View Post
I know this is an older thread, but I wanted to add my +1 for the FOBO setup.
Ran them on my PC800, and in fact left them on when I sold the bike.
Took a couple minutes to log-in to their website to "release" them to the new owner... Done.
(They are bound to an email address when you first install them - makes them useless if stolen and installed on another bike).

Great $100 investment.
I'll buy another set for the F6B when I get mine.


Thanks for this. I was wondering about how best to monitor tire pressure when I was out for a spin last night. I was caught on my M109 with a flat tire on a freeway a few years ago, didn't like that one bit. Would have appreciated an early warning that I had caught a nail & was loosing pressure as a result, rather than learn at 110 km/hr that I was finally running on the rim and sliding with he camber int he road to the edge of the highway.