Any subscribers to MCN (Motorcycle Consumer News) here? Must be, because this is the place I first learned about the magazine.

I typically read the magazine, cover to cover.

Reading David Hough's columns on proficient motorcycling make me anxious. He states that motorcycling is 38 times more dangerous than driving a car. Are we all stupid, crazy, or both? Or is there more to this?

I once heard that 70% of snowmobile accidents involve excessive speed and/or alcohol as factors. The numbers have to be similar for motorcyclists. I know that I take it easy, only getting on the gas in wide open, vacant places. I do not drink and ride. Therefore, I feel I have substantially increased my safety just by not doing those two things.

On the local news, when there is a motorcycle accident, it seems as though they are mostly Harleys and sport bikes. I do not know the exact numbers, but Harley riders tend to be occasional riders, not logging a lot of miles. Cruiser style bikes do not handle all that gracefully, especially in the hands of an inexperienced rider. Sport bikes are meant for speed and handle great, but a lot of those guys seem to have a death wish flying around here.

I practice swerving, emergency braking, and the GW F6B handles quite a bit better than its cruiser cousins, being built on a standard bike platform. I do not attempt stunts. I just ride around. Therefore, haven't I decreased my risk even more?

When on a bike, I feel like I see so much more than in my car. I keep my head up 99% of the time. It seems as though most dangerous situations seem to be reveal themselves prior to happening. I cover the brake and let off the gas when cars are ready to pull out. I keep long following distances. I wear a hi-vis vest. I wear an armor jacket and boots and a full helmet and gloves. I do not ride when I am not feeling in top condition mentally, physically, emotionally.

Is motorcycling really that dangerous for someone like me? Or you?